Bach Flower Remedy - Rescue Remedy

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Bach Flower Remedy - Rescue Remedy 10ml and 20ml Dropper

Rescue Remedy
10ml or 20mL Dropper

Bach Flower Remedy - Rescue Remedy

Rescue Remedy is the original Flower Remedy combination discovered by Dr Edward Bach in the 1930's.

Rescue Remedy helps people and animals cope with lifes ups and downs.  Rescue Remedy assists in the return to a more positive outlook when you need comfort and reassurance.

Rescue Remedy provides support at times of emotional demand, such as examinations, Performance demands and high stress situations likely to initiate a flight response.

The original Bach Flower Rescue Remedy  is great for use on animals and people in times of stress.  Rescue Remedy can provide the support an anxious rider, horse or animal who needs to perform at their best or manage stressful situations.

The Original Bach Flower Rescue Remedy. 



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